Advantages of Harmonics Analyser

Harmonic currents that are generated by industrial as well as electrical equipment in offices usually reflect in the surging electricity bills. Here, a harmonics analyser comes to your rescue. It helps in quantifying the costs and also saves a lot of energy. This is particularly beneficial in the industry sector where the power consumption in maximum. Let’s take a look at the advantages of a harmonics analyser :

  1. A harmonic analyser is a device which is used to measure frequencies, amplitudes, different phases and various components of a non-sinusoidal waveform. It mainly consists of multipliers, an input device, and integrators.
  2. The harmonic analyser is used to check harmonics in electrical systems. Harmonics are electrical voltages and currents that can result in power problems in the electrical system. The high harmonic voltage causes failure in machinery and equipment. Harmonic distortion is a concern among various industrial sectors in India. The impact of the harmonic distortion depends on how much the electrical power system can withstand and the susceptibility of the equipment to harmonic voltage.
  3. The harmonic analyser is the best equipment to carry out a detailed power quality analysis in the facility in order to determine the wave shapes of the current and voltage on their frequency spectrums.
  4. A harmonic analysers are helpful in providing a thorough analysis of the suspected source of harmonic voltage. This data is used to calculate the harmonic ratio function at a value that ranges from 0% to 100%. This indicates the deviation of both the sinusoidal and sinusoidal waveforms. The resulting values indicate the presence of harmonic voltage. Electricians use a harmonic analyser to detect harmonic voltage, thereby preventing any further damage to the equipment and saving repair costs.
  5. Using a harmonic analyser, industries can significantly improve their energy efficiency by adopting all possible measures. With the early detection of harmonic voltage, industries can replace their older equipment, reducing the risk of any further damage or complete shutdown of the equipment.

These pointers will help you get a thorough idea about the benefits of a harmonic analyser. For any other related query, get in touch with us at